
Final Task Plot

We brainstormed all of our ideas on an A3 sheet.

We had a variety of ideas for our plot:
   - Bullying
   - Arguments with family
   - Arguments with boyfriend/girlfriend
   - Family loss

In the end we went with the idea of an argument with a boyfriend/girlfriend and suicide. Although suicide may be interpreted as a quite dark and troubled matter, we thought it would give a slight edge to our thriller, this also allows us to stray away from the common stalker scenario that the exam board see every year. This allows us to use both genders and show the representation of them in different perspectives. 


Scene 1

A girl is on the computer while talking to her boyfriend in a different room. She gets a text which says "you'd be better off dead" , she grabs her work keys, runs out of the room, opens the front door and leaves, not shutting the front door behind her.

Her boyfriend hears this and sees the front door open, he realises something has happened and that her keys are gone so he grabs his coat and goes after her. Cuts to scene of her on the train and departing it.


Scene 2

She’s walking along the street, crosses a road and enters her work building. She then swipes her work keys and walks towards the lift.

She waits for the lift, inside the lift she is slumped in the corner crying. She then gets up and leaves the lift and turns the corner towards the balcony.

She then goes to the edge of the balcony  followed by her moving closer to the edge and looking over. Looks over the edge once again.

Audience hears her boyfriend shout her name. Brief dialogue (TBC at a later date) - outcome is he can't talk her out of it

Scene 3

Screen goes black

Face/body in mangled shape on floor, in blood. Boyfriend runs to her side and rings 999, brief call with emergency services. He then picks up her phone and reads the text (new one) that says "...knew she'd do what I told her". Boyfriend has vengeful look on his face as if he is going to go after the person harassing his girlfriend.

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