
Film Title

With some thought and brainstorming of titles, we came up with lots of one word ideas such as 'Pursuit' and 'Chase' but none of them felt quite right, so we thought literal. What happens in our film? Where's our film set? This lead us to 'Suicide on Southwark Street' which also gave us alliteration to emphasises the title.

We created a title on Photoshop which we could use for any film related products such as a DVD cover or theatrical poster. The main problem with creating this sign was that Univers which is the main font used on street signs is very hard to get hold of so we had to find a similar font to it for our film title which was Univers. Unfortunately it's not able to be transferred into LiveType or iMovie so we couldn't use it in our final task.


Green Screen

We intended on having a cut scene whereby you saw Emily (Katrina) in front of sped up traffic for dramatic effect. To do this we needed to shoot at a green screen with Emily (Katrina) then film traffic for more time than we needed so we could speed it up. At the Blue Fin building we used a green screen but were left to our own devices without supervision to shoot at it. The end product after superimposing Emily (Katrina) onto the traffic and speeding it up looked good, the only problem with it was that we hadn't used bright enough lights in the studio therefore Emily (Katrina) body was almost strobing and sometimes the green screen bled through.

To solve this we tried to take the image of Katrina into Final Cut Express and clean it up with a chroma keyer then loop one frame continuously through the clip and add a video effect, this worked but didn't look very realistic and we decided it wasn't up to the standard of the rest of our work so did not include it in our final task.

Here's the final product: